Thursday, May 13, 2010

Arizona racism

If anyone was under the delusion that Arizona's anti-immigrant bill SB1070 was only after immigrants and not racist, look no further than the state's new law against Ethnic Studies. Mexican AMERICANS are the primary target. As if mainstream high school history wasn't "designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group," that is, whites.

So, their idea is that you won't know you're being oppressed unless your teacher tells you, even while passing a law that will encourage racial profiling. How stupid do they think people are?

Man cleared by DNA

Sad that I had to find this story from a UK site.

In my younger days, I used to not be opposed to the death penalty, because I thought in theory the state should have the right to put someone to death for a violent crime. I quickly came to recognize that the theory cannot be separated from the facts and actual practice of law enforcement and our justice system. People are just too fallable.